

  1. SudoDEM2D-1.3.6.rc2.tar.xz
  2. SudoDEM3D-1.3.6.rc2.tar.xz


  1. Windows:2023.11
  2. MacOS:2023.11
  3. Ubuntu18.04:2023.11
  4. Ubuntu20.04:2023.11

Note: For the Windows version, you may encounter a crash issue when there is no openMP library in your system, and you can download it here into your installation directory.

Solver packages

GODEM, lightDEM, MPM, CUDEM and DEMPM can be installed and updated in the Package Manager of SudoSim GUI.


  1. Users agree that there migiht be potential instability for the pre-released alpha version of SudoSim.
  2. SudoSim is portable and requires non-root permission for installation.
  3. SudoSim would not collect any enduser information unless any malicious behavior was detected.
  4. Any packages that are not directly provided by SudoSimLab (from this website or the support email) will be regarded as illegal distribution, and their security is not guaranteed by SudoSimLab.
  5. Only registered users are technically supported by SudoSimLab.

User registration

Users are appreciated to help us (SudoSimLab) improve the software (SudoSim). To receive the feedback from and provide technical support to users, simple and quick registration is required. Please send your Name, Affiliation, Email address and Purpose to our support center by email (support AT