
Sample usage

import sys,os,os.path
sys.path.insert(1, '../../install/lib')
import setvoronoi as sv
#print cf.__doc__
mycf = sv.CellFactory() #establish a factory (class) to handle the computation
mycf.infolder = "./input" #this folder contains point-cloud data for each particle (will be generated)
mycf.outfolder = "./output" #this folder contains data after computation
mycf.posFile = "./Particles.dat" #particle data with info such as position, orientation, etc
mycf.wallFile = "./Walls.dat" #wall data with positions of each walll for a cubic container
mycf.cellVTK = True #yield vtk files for cells
mycf.cellPOV = True #yield pov files for cells
mycf.scale = 1000 #the parameter used to scale up the data during computation (due to a bug in vtk)
mycf.boxScale = 2.0 #the parameter used to scale up the AABB box of a given particle
mycf.parShrink = 0.1e-3 #shrink particles inward to avoid contact particles (with intersection in DEM)
mycf.threadNum = 2 #threads in OpenMP
mycf.visualized_ids = [0,1,2] #id list of particle/cell that will be visualized by vtk/pov, empty for all.
#you can execute it step by step
mycf.genPointClouds(w_slices=30,h_slices=20)#point-cloud generation. here you can put your raw data
#mycf.processing()#processing all particles
pid = 0 #as a demonstrate, we calculate only a single particle with id = 0.
mycf.processingOne(pid)#processing only one particle with id of pid
#or you can conduct an automatic work flow
#mycf.autoWorkFlow() #this line will execute all processes starting from point-cloud generation.